Thursday, March 3, 2016

Running in Freezing Weather

Today temperatures at around 1:00 pm was 27ºF, winds at 8 mph, giving us a wind chill of 18ºF, definitely below freezing and it was time for my run.  After some additional thinking I had decided to create a new route that would be more of an out and back run, instead of straight out and then walk back.  This would allow me to get back to my base quicker.  I also planned only to be barefoot for the run.

Since I'm still not ready to expose my barefoot preference to my co-workers, I once again headed away from work before finding a nice, new, black section of asphalt where I could slip off my shoes.  The pavement was surprisingly warm (or maybe not too surprising), but alas, it would be the only nice and warm piece of pavement I would feel on my run. 

As I ran I definitely could tell it was cold, but I didn't feel like I was pushing any boundaries.  A little discomfort and I've read that after 12 minutes or so that would go away.  It is like those times when you think, maybe I should have worn a hat or jacket.  Nothing you can't handle and I would be running for only 1 mile.  Now on the other hand while my feet were doing okay, my lungs had a much harder time adapting to running in the cold (the cold induced asthma was appearing).   I finished the run in the normal amount of time.  I am very happy with the results and doubt I would have run any better with shoes.

I felt like I could have done more, but I was told you need to take it slow and easy to start, so I am heeding that advice.  I had a plan to put my socks and shoes on when the mile run was up and that is what I did.  I'm not only taking it easy to give my feet a chance to adapt, I want to gradually increase my running miles for my legs, using the 10% increase per week rule for runners.  In some ways I'm fortunate I don't have a high running mileage base with the legs itching to go.  Legs and feet are both have equal experience and will adapt together. 

This evening I did go to Wal-Mart but it was too cold for me to be walking barefoot, so I wore my shoes.  While I was in Wal-Mart I just had to touch the floor with my barefoot and it felt as cold if not colder then the pavement outside during my run.  I'm so glad I didn't go barefoot into the store.

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