Saturday, April 23, 2016

Update after Two Months and 50 Miles

I've been barefoot as much as possible for just over two months (started February 17, 2016).   I will reach 50 recorded miles of either running or walking barefoot in the next few days.  So far it has been a very mixed bag.  Not as easy as I figured and I can easily understand why many people choose shoes over being barefoot. 

Saturday was another barefoot day except for one quick trip into the Walgreens that requires me to wear shoes to pick up a prescription. 

The Bad
Let me start with the bad.  Worrying you'll get kicked out of a store and then being kicked out of a store.  You need to take good care of your feet (a good post for the future).  So far I have gotten two cracks that have caused discomfort, one on my heel and the other on my toe.  I've also had to remove two items buried in my foot that was causing discomfort.  Some days it is just too cold to go barefoot.  You need to pay attention to where you walk.  People's perception and comments are not always that kind.  It takes time to toughen the feet up and you need to proceed cautiously and slowly.

The Good
It is great to feel all the textures under your feet when you walk.  The smooth floors as well as the rough floors are all great to feel.  Not getting my shoes wet when I walk home, especially since the shoes would really stink for a few days after getting soaked.  For the most part much more comfortable, yes there are times when it is not comfortable, but shoes can do that to you as well.  It is helping me with my running form.  Still got a ways to go, but I feel I'm at least making strides in the right direction.  I'm learning to take better care of my feet and nothing serious  has come of me being barefoot. 

The Future
I still plan to continue going barefoot as much as possible.  I can't let the bad distract me from the good.  Some forums are filled with all the places that you get kicked out of if you enter barefoot.  That is a shame, but I  think we still need to learn how to live in the society we are in and for me going barefoot 100% when not at work may not be possible. 

Next month I plan on attending a men's conference in Maine and I've been thinking about how being barefoot will work out.  There will be a lot of people I know and I'm sure I'll get comments.  It may also present to me my first opportunity to try barefoot hiking, since a group will take a hike on Friday.  My vacation in July to New York City will be even a bigger challenge, or maybe not, since I hear they have seen it all in NYC and not much is said, expect I may have trouble at the tourist spots, we shall see.  Yet I can not dwell to much on what might be, just got to give it a try and enjoy.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Five Stores and a Friends House

Had a really nice day barefooting.  Haven't had too many of those yet.  Went into four new stores, the A Market, Home Depot, Music and Arts, and a thrift store.  Plus revisited my local grocery store. That has got to be a record number of stores in one day, plus my first friends house.

I think the people at Home Depot noticed my bare feet, but I was in and out before they could form an opinion on what to do.  I wasn't sure if they noticed at the A Market, but it is a organic food store so I think they would be more open about barefooted people.  The music store we were in a bit longer and interacted with the employees, checking to see if my daughter had outgrown her viola and we bought rosin.  

After those stores we swung by a friends house who had some clothing for Starry.  Their foster child asked where my shoes were and I told him at home.  A bit later my friend asks if I jogged, not sure if he was referring to my bare feet, I told him I jogged barefoot.  He then asked if I jogged on Commercial Street.  It appears he saw me, but was so busy looking at my feet he didn't notice it was me.

We went to the Thrift Store for an event where they give out clothing and toys to foster kids and they also feed you hot dogs and hamburgers.  When we entered the store they asked what we needed and one of the helpers said looks like he needs shoes, but he said it in a light-hearted nice way.

In My Head
I'm still a uneasy about going into new stores, it takes some of the fun out of being barefoot.  I know some barefooters will not do business with a place that requires them to wear shoes, but a lot of the places I go are very convenient.  We also have the contract for the viola at the music store and would loose what we have invested in the rental program, if they refused barefoot customers.  For some stores I do reduce my visits when they require me to wear shoes.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Weekend Update

We had a cold, wet week and I had stomach bug on Tuesday, so my week has not been the best. On Friday I felt good enough and it was warm, though slightly damp outside, so I went running.  Went 1.6 miles. I
t wasn't that great, very slow and almost walked at one point, but got it done.

On Saturday was our boy's group Ranger Derby car race.  We had been working on the race cars for the past several days and finally got them done Friday night.  I headed out the door barefoot and picked up the foster kids mom.  As my usual practice I entered the church with my shoes on and then took them off shortly after arriving.  Not a single person said a word about my shoeless state.  Things are improving.

I got some gas and while pumping my gas barefoot a friend was pumping next to me and we chatted for a while, once again no comment on my bare feet.  My local grocery store still hasn't said anything as we picked up the groceries.

The pasta primavera with left over fish sticks
The best part of the weekend was my daughter worked on her Raddish kids meal.  She made a One-Pot Pasta Primavera.  It had red peppers and broccoli and the kids ate it with only a slight hesitation with the red peppers.  They also perfected the Whipped Chocolate Mousse that was a bit runny the last time they made it.  When they were done, they cleaned up the kitchen and I cleaned out the refrigerator.  Also, while they were cooking I gave the living room a really good clean, so the house is looking a lot better again, but still needs some work.

use code h3rwph to save $20 on a Raddish subscription.  Visit and check them out.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Foot Prints in the Snow

This morning it began to snow a little.  We didn't get as much as Saturday night, but due to the previous days cold temperatures, this this time the snow stuck on my sidewalk.  As usual, I had left my shoes in the van.  I grabbed some socks (haven't worn socks at work for a month now) and headed out barefoot to the vehicle.  Got the van started and ever thing set to go and I realized I had forgotten my lunch.  Walked back to the house and as I got there I realized I had left my keys in the van, luckily I was still able to get in.  Then back to my van, my toes were cold by this time.  But I had left some nice foot prints in the lite covering of snow on my walkway.

Needless to say I put my socks and shoes on for the short walk to work once I had found a close parking sport.  After about an hour at work my feel didn't feel too comfortable inside the socks, so they came off and I'm once again sitting barefoot at my desk, with my feet hidden from all the conservative and liberal people around me.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Still Adjusting

Good Barefoot Day
Another Saturday arrived and it was cold and wet in the morning.  Headout out the door without a second thought, but had doubts when my feet hit the cold wet pavement, but kept going.  Went out and picked up a friend for my daughters sleepover.  Then over to BJ's to pick up some items.  Then back over to Price Rite for some basics. Barefoot the whole time and no problems at all.

That afternoon we were invited to a birthday party for the foster boy I have been looking after.  I didn't want to show up there barefoot, so I put on my new Xeroshoes.  I didn't care for wearing anything, but knowing how people can react to someone who doesn't wear shoes I figure it would be best to have something on my feet.  Maybe after I get established as a barefooter I'll be a bit braver,
but for now just being a little cautious.

This morning my exercise routine didn't go well at all, not sure what happened.  Felt like I got up on the wrong side of the bed and just couldn't get anything right.  Think the auto program I'm following should have set me up for a reduced load, that is definitely set up for next week.

Tomorrow we are due for some snow.