Saturday, April 16, 2016

Five Stores and a Friends House

Had a really nice day barefooting.  Haven't had too many of those yet.  Went into four new stores, the A Market, Home Depot, Music and Arts, and a thrift store.  Plus revisited my local grocery store. That has got to be a record number of stores in one day, plus my first friends house.

I think the people at Home Depot noticed my bare feet, but I was in and out before they could form an opinion on what to do.  I wasn't sure if they noticed at the A Market, but it is a organic food store so I think they would be more open about barefooted people.  The music store we were in a bit longer and interacted with the employees, checking to see if my daughter had outgrown her viola and we bought rosin.  

After those stores we swung by a friends house who had some clothing for Starry.  Their foster child asked where my shoes were and I told him at home.  A bit later my friend asks if I jogged, not sure if he was referring to my bare feet, I told him I jogged barefoot.  He then asked if I jogged on Commercial Street.  It appears he saw me, but was so busy looking at my feet he didn't notice it was me.

We went to the Thrift Store for an event where they give out clothing and toys to foster kids and they also feed you hot dogs and hamburgers.  When we entered the store they asked what we needed and one of the helpers said looks like he needs shoes, but he said it in a light-hearted nice way.

In My Head
I'm still a uneasy about going into new stores, it takes some of the fun out of being barefoot.  I know some barefooters will not do business with a place that requires them to wear shoes, but a lot of the places I go are very convenient.  We also have the contract for the viola at the music store and would loose what we have invested in the rental program, if they refused barefoot customers.  For some stores I do reduce my visits when they require me to wear shoes.

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