Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Proper Running Form

One of the biggest reasons I started down the road of minimalist running was I felt that I was running wrong.  I would start running and then my legs just wouldn't feel right.  After the thousands of miles hiking and with all the aches, pains, and injuries that accompanied those miles I didn't feel like I was being a wimp, I know when something was not right, so I would stop running. A year or so goes by and I try again and I continued to repeat the same cycle.

Along comes minimalist running and they talk a lot about form.  So I try that style, and low and behold, no problems.  Well, to be honest, I did have one problem.  I couldn't run.  Not even a block.  So began my journey to become a runner.  I've now have run a few 5K races.  The only injury I got in the past two years was last fall when I was on vacation.  I had all this wonderful time on my hands to run, run, run, and run some more.  It was like heaven.  Until I realized I had injured myself from running too much.  Inconceivable. 

Now I move on to barefoot running.  They say you should started off running barefoot before turning to minimalist shoes, but I didn't.  I think it has worked out well for me, but ignore their advice at your own peril.  During the past two years my feet have built up some of the muscle that is needed for true barefoot running.  For the first year my foot felt sore, like the muscles and bones were constantly being improved.  And because I loved the feel of the ground so much I started walking barefoot (mostly on the sly) on the way home from work or around the neighborhood. 

I now believe that landing on my heel and over striding was the cause of my problems in the past. Taking shorter steps and landing almost anyplace but the heel is what I worked on and thought I had my form down.  But barefoot running is not as forgiving as running with shoes, even minimalist shoes.  So now I read from more then one source, you need to lift up your foot and not push off.  I'm not sure how that will look, but it might explain why I'm getting tough skin on the ends of my toes, and could be getting a blister on the bottom of my foot.  I must be pushing off and not lifting. 

My runs have consisted of just two days.  After talking with a runner I was told it is best to run at least 3 times a week.  So I went out for a short run of ½ mile today.  Then after the short run I took a walk, all barefoot.  For a total of 1.77 miles, my furthest distance yet.  I also walked ¼  miles to work this morning and will walk back for a total of 2.25 miles barefoot today.  A new records which will easily be broken soon.

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