Sunday, May 8, 2016

Barefoot Gardening

A friend mentioned his wife had planted peas in their garden, which reminded me to do the same.  I seem to always wait till to late and my peas don't do well.  So on Saturday I headed to the hardware store to pick up the seeds, barefoot of course.  It was a quick trip with no chatting with the employees, so still no reaction from them on my bare feet.

I have often heard that gardening barefoot, more specifically digging in the garden barefoot is something to be avoided if possible.  Despite this apprehension I decided I should at least give it a try.  So I got out my spade and started turning over the soil and discovered it was easy and not at all uncomfortable.  I think the reason being is that we have raised beds and the soil doesn't get compressed by our bodies when we work the garden.  We planted just two rows of peas and I got my shod daughter to assist with one of the rows. 

Past Week
The past week has been a bit cool so I haven't been pushing being barefoot to much. The warm spell we had the previous month really had me spoiled.  I've also been a bit down or depressed as of late and haven't had much energy the last few weeks.  I'm still managing to plug away at the body weight exercises, but have let my running drop for the time being.  Besides being tired, another contributing factor is a little pain or discomfort on the bottom of my right foot.  I tired to dig something out of my foot this past week and left a little hole in my sole.  I didn't find anything, but it seems like the discomfort has been reduced, only to be replaced by the discomfort caused by the small hole I dug into my sole.  My thought is the problem is probably caused be a small blister under the pad of my foot which developed by using improper technique when I first started running barefoot.  This is just all part of the learning curve.

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