Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Monday & Tuesday morning condition report

After taking a really laid back day on Sunday it was time to get a little more active again.  I will not drive to work unless absolutely necessary, since work is just over 1 mile away.  Feeling like my feet were doing good and wanting to give them a test walk, I kept up my routine of walking to work barefoot. The first few steps were not encouraging.  Not sure if I was just unlucky, but those first few pebbles felt very uncomfortable.  I felt like I had lost some of the toughness in my feet. It is probably my imagination and perhaps my souls are still a bit tender from the hike.  I kept on going, taking the smoothest sidewalks, picking concrete over asphalt and avoiding the rougher sections.  I was paying close attention to my feet and could feel a bruise on the border of my heel and arch of my right foot.  When I probe that area I can actually feel a bump.  But as I continued along things seem not be as bad as my first few steps indicated they were going to be.  My quads are by far the sorest piece of my body and I have no interest in doing stairs.

Monday evening our church is having their annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) where the kids play games, do crafts, listen to stories, sing songs, and eat for 2.5 hours.  I arrived as usual barefoot for a non Sunday event.  By this time word had spread that I had hiked barefoot up the mountain.  I mentioned to one person as we talked that I often walked in the city barefoot and he was surprised.  Once I mentioned that you need to tough up your feet a bit before hiking barefoot it seemed to make perfect sense to him.  Maybe I'll try and do all the 4,000 footers a second time barefoot. 

I even took a nice shopping trip to Walmart and wasn't bothered by anyone.  I also felt a lot more confident and didn't care as much about being confronted or kicked out.

My quads are no longer screaming at me, but I can still tell they had a great workout on Saturday.  My feet and ankles felt fine when I got up this morning, nothing stood out as unusual.  When I stepped outside away from the smooth floors of my comfortable home my feet just didn't feel as tough as they once were.  I'm thinking it is more in my head than anything else.  There is often talk on the barefoot forums that on such a hike you wear out your pads.  I just can't seem to believe that you could wear them out that much.  Sure I noticed a little wear no one foot, maybe on layer of skin gone in a spot, but nothing major, no blood or chunks of skin gone.

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