Sunday, February 28, 2016

Another Run and a Grocery Store

Sundays I attend church in the morning. The church has a poured concrete floor and even with my Vivobarefoot shoes I can still feel the heat being taken from my body, so it is not warm enough to skip the shoes at church just yet.  We are still in the middle of winter, so I feel lucky to have accomplished as much as I have so far.

Sunday arrived warm again, so I decided to take another run in the afternoon.  I was hoping to be able to run the whole mile.  This run has more up hills compared to the last run on Thursday, so I wasn't sure I would make the whole distance.  Once again I notice how cool the pavement was and you could feel where the sun had a chance to thaw out the ground a bit more.  Running barefoot tunes you into nature to a whole new level, even though I am in the middle of the city.  My toes got a bit cold on this run, but I managed to run the whole mile in 12 minutes.  I was very happy.

After the run I walked over to the nearby grocery store for some food.  It really seems like most people don't notice your feet.  When I grabbed a cart it was funny how I thought this would help hide my feet a bit.  Was making a ham and chicken casserole, so visited the deli counter to get only the amount of ham I needed, just one thick slice.  As the lady took my order and helped me pick out what I wanted I don't think she even noticed my feet.  The checkout process at the end went very smoothly as well.  Four stores and no problem.  This grocery store was the biggest store I have visited yet.

After I finished my run and errands I noticed my feet had warmed up and they stayed nice and toasty warm for the rest of the night.

It is interesting when I read another blog about their barefoot experiences it always did seem they were hyper aware of their feet being bare and most of those around them didn't notice or at least didn't comment.   I realized that a lot of my concerns would be in my head and that I too would be hyper aware of my feet while most others wouldn't notice.  But you still don't know when you will be called out, so until you have some experience interacting with others a few times you will still be on high alert.  Yet despite this the experience is still enjoyable, even though I may be a bit self conscious at this stage.  I'm wondering about my own reaction to others reaction will be.  Will I be more focused on sharing this new found joy and freedom of walking barefoot or will something else stumble out of my mouth.

Miles Run Barefoot: 3

Stores Visited 4

Days 100% Barefoot - 0

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