Sunday, March 27, 2016

Kicked Out at Walgreens

I wasn't sure if I wanted to start the day out barefoot or not.  There was a big JBQ meet at our church and before that was our men's breakfast.  So there would be a lot of people around and half I wouldn't know.  As usual, my shoes were in the van, so I walked out to the van barefoot, still not sure what I would do.  When we arrived at the church I decided to leave my shoes behind and headed inside.

Breakfast was just being served and some of the kids who had traveled long distances for the final meet of the year had joined the men's breakfast.  So I slipped in unnoticed.  Breakfast went by without any comments.  After breakfast one person commented on my choice of attire, but otherwise no one mentioned my bare feet.

I had the three year old with us so eventually he got restless so I left the match and headed over to Walmart to purchase Easter items and a few essentials.  It was crowded and I made it to the register without any comments.  The cashier was surprised they let me in barefoot and the lady behind me also commented, both though I should not be walking around barefoot.  I told them I didn't see any sign on the door and that no law forbade me from walking around barefoot.  Glass was brought up during the discussion and they both disapproved, but I was able to finish my purchase.

So I made it out of Walmart and we headed to the playground at our church daycare that had a pea gravel surface.  I guess it is better then tracking in sand into the building.  The gravel felt fine on my feet, but after a while I could tell my feet needed a break so we took a short walk around the building on the asphalt.  Then eventually back inside, where the cool smooth floor felt really soothing on my feet.  The only other comment at the church was when we were leaving, one of the visiting teens mentioned my feet would get cold outside, but I told them the pavement felt nice and warm today.

We arrived home much later then I had anticipated so I would have to postpone my Saturday run till Sunday.  I then headed over to Walgreens I picked up all the items I needed and was waiting to get some photos when I was told I couldn't be inside the store with bare feet.  I told them there was no sign on the door. I asked why and was told it was a health issue.  I told them the state had no law, but they insisted that the store had a policy against bare feet in the store due to health reasons.  I finally left my stuff on the counter and left.  I did return with shoes on to finish my purchase.  I plan to write a letter to the their headquarters to see if I can get the issue resolved in my favor.

I guess if you plan on living life barefooted you had better be ready for people to disapprove and to be kicked out of stores.  That night I ordered some xeroshoes - the sandals so that hopefully I can carry them around with me and put them on as needed.  Hopefully the will fit in my pocket when I go inside of stores.

The foster child's team took first in their division and my daughter took 3rd place quizer in her division, so both kids came away happy.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Barefoot Evening

Thursday evenings the kids go to JBQ at our church.  Today I once again walked in with my shoes on, but once there I took them off.  The choir passed through and I ended up with a lot more comments then usual.

One lady said in a friendly manner "Put your shoes back on."
An elder of the church commented "Making yourself at home I see."
I don't recall the third comment, but it was still directed at my unshod feet. 

It is very interesting on how many people comment that you are barefooted.   I suppose it should not be surprising since it is not normal to see barefoot people these days.

Overall I think my plan is going to work, by the time summer comes around and I leave my shoes behind for good everyone will be so use to seeing me barefoot they will hardly give it a second thought that my shoes are not nearby.  At least it will not be a shock to the whole congregation, though during services I will still wear shoes, at least for the time being. 

When I left I just picked up my shoes and walked out the door along with another family.  Nothing was said and it was starting to rain and the temps were just above freezing.

That same evening, while refueling my van at the local gas station, the attendant came out to sweep up a spill that was now under my vehicle, but close to my bare feet.  With the wind chill it had to be below freezing and I could feel the cold ground under my feet.  This person didn't say a word about my lack of footwear and we briefly chatted as she waited for me to finish up and move my vehicle.  I know she had to have seen my feet since they were inches from the spilled substance. 

Overall another good time being barefoot.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Exercise Routine

My exercise routine is going well.  As I mentioned in an earlier post I am doing a program called gymnasticbodies which recommends you do all your exercises barefoot.  I last posted a video on my failed attempt to that weeks handstand exercise.  I have since improved and can now stand on my head, supported by my hands, for 12 seconds. There are 15 different exercises I need to master before I will be doing any type of free standing handstand.  Each exercise, if all goes perfect, it takes 12 weeks to master before you move onto the next exercise in the progression. Though in theory you can skip steps if you can complete the mastery for that exercise sooner.  That comes out to almost 4 years before I get the strength, balance, and mobility needed to progress through all these stages to do a handstand, but I am making progress.

This week I performed the Mastery on one of the exercises designed to help you perform the Side Lever.  I passed so I now move on to the next level.  I can now test again on the new exercise to see where I am at so we will know where I am to start on my reps.  This was first Mastery test I've taken, but I have moved up on several other items, just wasn't aware of the whole system worked. 

One of the things I like about this plan, is that it is a progressive plan that starts where you are at. They make no promises of abs in 30 days or handstands in 12 weeks.  You measure your progress through small victories when you attain mastery in a given exercise and mobility set.   Then when you reach the mastery level for that step you move on.  For me it will be a long process, for others they may be able to obtain mastery in many steps right away, so they can wiz right up to the top.  That is fine with me, too often programs assume you are at a certain level or can complete a certain routine in x amount of time. Here you move along at your own bodies pace and that you are required to work on your mobility as your progress (or skip at your own peril later in the program).  I also like the fact that your end goal is long term. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Another Barefoot Day

Saturday dawned and I planned to have another full barefoot day.  The weather wasn't freezing so I had a good chance of success.  Also, I wasn't planning on going anywhere special, just the local grocery store where I haven't had any issues yet.

First thing I had to do was reattach my dryer vent.  it had fallen away from the wall and I wanted to put some screws in a connection that kept falling apart.  You would think this would be a simple job but it ended up taking several hours to reconnect the pipes and -get a couple of screws through both pipes.  Glad I had self tapping screws.  But while I was doing this project I would hop up onto the nearby washer to access the dryer pipe, it was nice to do it in bare feet.

Ended up going to the grocery store twice.  Once for my grocery run and then my daughter got her Raddish package in.    Raddish provides recipes, cooking items (this time we got a purple rubber coated whisk), shopping lists and a few fun things to do.  She decided to make the salad and the chocolate moose.  So we went shopping for her items.  She had to find and pick everything out and I had the honor of paying for everything.  My daughter isn't a salad eater, but she loved the salad she spent a lot of time and effort making, she even commented on how much work it was.  The foster boy helped cut up some of the stuff, so it was a joint effort.  The chocolate moose tasted great, though it was a little runny.  I told her she will just have to try again.  Later this month we will be making some rock candy and a pasta dish.  If you want to try Radish for your kids, use code h3rwph to save $20.  Visit and check them out.

Ran barefoot and managed 1.5 miles and still working on picking up the feet and not pushing off.  I pushed a little too hard if you look at my heart rate (146 average) but my average cadence was 159, with the end of the run dragging down the average.   At one point, for a quarter mile, my cadence was over 164, right where it should be.  So I have to believe that this picking the feet up has improved my cadence and I'll eventually get to where I should be all the time.  The wind chill temperature was 34ºF and my hands got a bit chilled, but my feet were once again fine.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Stepping on Glass

If you walk barefoot you hear all the time, what if you step on a piece of glass?  Well today I was wearing my minimalist sneakers without socks and I felt a pebble under my foot inside my shoe.  I was getting ready to cross a busy street and was almost at my destination so I ignored it. It rolled around as I cross the street and I kept feeling it under my foot, just a minor annoyance. Once I got inside the building I took off my shoe and dumped out the offending pebble.  Except it wasn't a pebble, it was actually a piece of glass.  Looking very close it appears to have been from a mirror, since I could see the metallic coating on one side.   Below is a picture of the dangerous item.  No damage was done to my foot.
Glass inside shoe - maybe I should walk barefoot.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Theory for People's Negative Reaction to Barefoot Shoppers

I've been doing a lot of thinking about how the two people on Saturday reacted.  The first gentlemen's reaction, I have already discussed, but basically he was uncomfortable with someone walking around in bare feet.  He thought he could catch athlete's foot or some other fungus from my lack of shoes.

The second person, the store employee, I've been running through my head trying to figure it out.  When I walked in, he noticed I was barefoot and then after a bit came and found me in the store to ask me if I had forgotten something.  Then he told me I couldn't do that, referring to shopping in bare feet.  I told him I didn't see any signs but he didn't seem to change his stance.  But he was kind enough to let me finish shopping.

After much thought regarding my own limited experience to people's negative reaction to me being barefoot and reading other people's  posts on confrontations with employees when shopping barefoot, I have a theory.

My Hypothesis
1) Most people believe that shopping or dinning in bare feet is against the law.
2) This law is per their State Health Department,
3) The law is for their own health safety.
Therefore, people who shop in bare feet are law breakers and may be putting our health at risk.

They say first impressions as very important.  So when an employee has a regard for the law and they see someone breaking the law in their store, they get upset and confront the barefoot person.  It most often does not turn out well.  Unless of course the barefoot person has a trump card like a disability, that requires them to be barefoot.

Barefooters Response
I'm thinking educating the general public on barefoot people is probably our best defense.  How to do that is the big question.  Perhaps contacting our favorite stores ahead of time with some education to clear the way for our visit.  I realize this could backfire and they could formally disallow all future visits to the store while barefoot.  But it is one thought.

A second option that could be used in conjunction with the International Barefoot Running Day and that is to use that event to educate the general public in not just barefoot running but shopping and dinning as well.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Improving Cadence with Form

Last week I started concentrating on my form and lifting my legs up instead of pushing off and I noticed a slight improvement in my cadence; which previously had stubbornly refused to improve no matter what I did.  I took a run on Saturday and once again my cadence was improved as I focused on lifting the leg up.  Not a lot, just the a few steps, but my maximum cadence was 169, definitely a good sign.  This run also had a lower average heart rate, since I'm purposely trying to go slower to focus on the form.  I'm also comparing this run to another run on the same route.  My cadence on this run was higher the at the beginning and then drops back down at the end.  Makes me wonder if I started to lose form or focus, maybe both.  Something to think about on my next run.

Next I compared my average pace to two previous runs with about the same average pace.  One run has my cadence way lower and the other run my cadence is all over the place, but shows an average of a few steps less.  My new cadence is much more consistent, even when it dropped towards the end it stayed much more constant.  You can check out my runs on mapmyrun or garmin connect.  Find me under hikerdana.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

First Full Day Barefoot & Two Disapprovals

After my first full barefoot day
Today I planned to be barefoot all day.  I dressed in my nice shorts and headed out. The weather was in the 50's, but it felt cooler with the breeze and on the shady patches of the sidewalk. Our first store was our local hardware store where everyone knows us well.  Nothing was said about my feet, but they commented that it was now spring and time for my beard to come off. I told them it was on the agenda for the day.

The next stop was the grocery store.  I've been in there several times now and nothing has been said.  Today a customer came up and warned me that I better not let them (meaning the store employees) see that I was not wearing shoes.  I told him it was legal.  He doubted me so I assured him that no law existed stopping me from shopping in bare feet.  He was a bit surprised but eventually said he thought it was gross that I would be spreading my athlete foot fungus all over the store.  I was a little taken back by that remark and tried to assure him that athletes foot normally doesn't survive on bare feet, but he turned off down another isle anxious to get away from me.  Perhaps I should have responded that it is a good thing he is wearing shoes.

Our next store was Barnes & Noble.  We stopped at the help desk to get my Nook checked out and then headed to the sweets counter where my daughter got a soda and a free cookie.  Then back to the help desk to find a book she wanted, but it was out of my price range this week.  She settle on something more affordable.  We checked out without any mention of my bare feet.

It was a very enjoyable day.  I am getting more relaxed going about barefoot, even with the one encounter I had today.  I actually felt sorry for him.  It was also amazing how many different textures and temperatures your feet cross in a day and the shod never experience it.  Probably the best part was my daughter said something about how she wished she could go barefoot and I told her she could.  She was surprised, but glad I'll let her go barefoot.  She still hasn't taken her shoes off yet, but hopefully she will in the future.

After I wrote this post I headed out once more to my favorite neighborhood dollar store.  Was shopping when a store employee approached me and mentioned I was not wearing shoes and then told me that I had to have shoes.  He did let me finish shopping, but I cut it to just the one item I needed and then I left.  It put a little damper on my day, but it still was still a good day.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

In Shorts Barefoot

Last night (Wednesday) my daughter had an activity at her school.  Once again I paused and thought, Should I wear my shoes?  After some thought I changed into long pants and stuffed some moccasins in my pocket and went to the school barefoot.  My daughter was great, she took it all in stride and wasn't bothered by it at all.  Not a single person commented on my bare feet.  I even spoke at length to several of the teachers and City Years.  My daughter took a picture of me in the gym, which I'll post once I edit it.

On Thursday, when I arrived home I changed into some shorts and headed out the door barefoot in a lite rain.  I dropped off the two older kids at JBQ, and headed to Hannaford grocery store, barefooted and in shorts.  The store wasn't too busy and I really didn't see any associates on the floor.  After I picked up the ingredients for a boiled dinner, I checked out without any mention of my bare feet. 

After I left Hannaford I realized I should probably buy some cake mix and frosting for a birthday cake for my daughter.  Walmart was close, so I swung into Walmart and picked up a few more things, in my shorts and bare feet.  I even wandered around the store a little.   On the way out I passed by a co-worker of mine, we only exchanged a surprised, quick, hello to each other as I quickly headed to the checkout. This morning I stopped by to say hello to the co-worker and nothing was mentioned of my bare feet.  I don't think she even noticed.

After shopping I went into the church barefoot. I waited around until the kids were ready to go home.  Now granted this wasn't the main sanctuary and I wasn't sitting there for long and I didn't really talk to anyone, but I still left my shoes behind.  I keep telling myself small steps.

It was a great barefoot day.  The morning was clear, and it started raining off and on in the afternoon.  I walked the short distance to and from work, and am getting really comfortable being barefoot.  The warmer weather definitely helps, since I'm not so crazy walking barefoot when it is warm.  I really don't think people see your feet are bare when your not wearing shoes.  The mind sees what is suppose to be there, and probably assumes your wearing something.   The best part was I managed to spend one whole evening out and about, in shorts with my bare feet completely exposed.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lift Foot Up - Don't Push Off = Improved Cadence

Today I found out what lifting the foot up and not pushing off felt like.  I tried to run slower, keep the heart rate lower and focus on lifting the foot up.  Definitely uses different muscles and my toes seem to like it better as well.  I think I'll need to continue focusing on this technique, but I liked it while running.  Though it felt a bit like I was marching, but that might smooth out with more practice.

I'm often a geek and almost always run with my heart rate monitor and GPS.  I don't always pay attention to the numbers while running, unless I have something specific I'm working on.  But I still wear it to keep a record of my activities.  Today after my run I glanced at the numbers and was surprised to see a lot of little green cadence dots (cadence of 160 or greater) in the beginning of my run, before I slowed my pace down.  My cadence has always been low so to see so many green dots was very encouraging. Even after I slowed down my cadence was higher than normal with a few rare green dots showing.  Even going up hill I got no red dots (cadence below 152).  My cadence held to a pretty straight line. My stride length has also decreased from 80+ meters to 70 m.

I am now very anxious to see if this trend holds, while I continue to learn this new method of running.  It could be the breakthrough I have been seeking for a long time.  Now it is harder then ever to keep my miles down and take it easy.  I'm even more excited then ever to get out and run.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Proper Running Form

One of the biggest reasons I started down the road of minimalist running was I felt that I was running wrong.  I would start running and then my legs just wouldn't feel right.  After the thousands of miles hiking and with all the aches, pains, and injuries that accompanied those miles I didn't feel like I was being a wimp, I know when something was not right, so I would stop running. A year or so goes by and I try again and I continued to repeat the same cycle.

Along comes minimalist running and they talk a lot about form.  So I try that style, and low and behold, no problems.  Well, to be honest, I did have one problem.  I couldn't run.  Not even a block.  So began my journey to become a runner.  I've now have run a few 5K races.  The only injury I got in the past two years was last fall when I was on vacation.  I had all this wonderful time on my hands to run, run, run, and run some more.  It was like heaven.  Until I realized I had injured myself from running too much.  Inconceivable. 

Now I move on to barefoot running.  They say you should started off running barefoot before turning to minimalist shoes, but I didn't.  I think it has worked out well for me, but ignore their advice at your own peril.  During the past two years my feet have built up some of the muscle that is needed for true barefoot running.  For the first year my foot felt sore, like the muscles and bones were constantly being improved.  And because I loved the feel of the ground so much I started walking barefoot (mostly on the sly) on the way home from work or around the neighborhood. 

I now believe that landing on my heel and over striding was the cause of my problems in the past. Taking shorter steps and landing almost anyplace but the heel is what I worked on and thought I had my form down.  But barefoot running is not as forgiving as running with shoes, even minimalist shoes.  So now I read from more then one source, you need to lift up your foot and not push off.  I'm not sure how that will look, but it might explain why I'm getting tough skin on the ends of my toes, and could be getting a blister on the bottom of my foot.  I must be pushing off and not lifting. 

My runs have consisted of just two days.  After talking with a runner I was told it is best to run at least 3 times a week.  So I went out for a short run of ½ mile today.  Then after the short run I took a walk, all barefoot.  For a total of 1.77 miles, my furthest distance yet.  I also walked ¼  miles to work this morning and will walk back for a total of 2.25 miles barefoot today.  A new records which will easily be broken soon.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Feet Warm - Hands Cold

Today I went for my Sunday run and it was soooo nice.  The pavement felt warm beneath my soles. The only thing I notice was a slight discomfort on my middle toe on the right foot.  I haven't figured out what it was, probably just still getting use to running barefoot.  On the other hand, my hands were noticeably cold, guess I should have worn some light gloves or maybe a hat.    My time is still pretty steady at around 12 minute mile, but heart rate is at running at least at 80% of maximum capacity.  So I probably should start going at a slower pace more often.  Especially since I want to increase my running to 3 times a week.

I had thought the temperatures for the day were going to be in the 40's, but since my hands felt so cold I look at my Garmin running report and the temperature was 39ºF with 6 mph winds which converts to 35ºF temperature, just a few degrees above freezing and my bare feet was very comfortable. I love that my feet were fine and find it interesting that my hands were the ones having a problem.

Visited the neighborhood grocery store again with no problems and I'm starting to feeling more relaxed.  Church in the morning I put my shoes on in the van upon arriving and took them off upon returning to the van.  I haven't figure out how to handle this one since I attend church with my mom. My mom was instrumental in starting this church and I want to be respectful, so I'll play this one by ear.  In the evening I go back to the church and work with the boys group.  I wear my shoes into the church but then after the meeting starts I take them off, but have them sitting by my chair.  I think come summer when others start wearing their flip flops I'll leave the shoes at home.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mostly Barefoot Day

This morning my daughter and foster child had a JBQ meet at our church.  It was on the cold side and the building has a cold floor, and would be full of people I know; so I put my shoes on. I wore my Tune Footwear, an affordable, true barefoot style shoe.  After a while I removed my shoes and walked around barefoot.  Then they went back on a few times, but eventually I just left them off and put them in my little backpack.  I ate at the luncheon barefoot and nothing was said, until I was leaving.  Then a friend of my mothers caught me sneaking out and asked me where my shoes where.  I told it was nice out and my shoes were in my pack.  I'm sure my mom will hear about it.
Tune Boat Shoe

At the end of the day I had to bring my daughters friend home and I went with my shorts and barefoot. It was close to freezing, but you just don't pay it much attention, just like you ignore the discomfort of shoes.  The friend commented on it and I'm not sure the mom noticed when I dropped her off at the door,

While my mom does not agree with my choice of going shoeless, she has so far been good about it.  I don't think she realizes I want to give up shoes completely as possible.  But she is not giving me a hard time, yet.  My sister on the other hand has been supportive and has joked with me that first the shoes then the clothes.  I'll have to remind her that naturalists almost always wear shoes.

Saturday night after I went to bed I could feel that my feet had some exercise.  They had that nice feeling like when you've done a little bit more of physical work then you are use to.  It was only due to the stillness of the night and my relaxed state that I was able to notice it.  I was a bit surprised considering that I usually walk around the house and yard barefoot and have been using minimalist shoes almost exclusively for the past two years.  A reminder once again that I need to take this slow and easy.

This coming week is looking really warm.  Can't wait.  Next Saturday the temperature is suppose to stay warm and I should have my first day completely barefoot.  We already have a trip to the hardware store to pick up some glue for my daughters dollhouse.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Body Weight Exercises Barefoot

Imagine my surprise to find an exercise program that recommends doing everything barefoot or as close to barefoot as possible.  This is what I found last November when I started a new exercise program from gymnasticbodies.  While it may be designed for gymnasts, it works with anyone attempting to get into better shape.    Everyone's starting point and advancement speed will be different.  Not like your cookie cutter once size fits all plans that are promoted these days.  The plans where you have trouble keeping with the program and end up dropping out after a short period of time. 

This plan not only works on your strength, but your flexibility as well.  You advance on a multipoint plan as you achieve mastery in each of the different elements.  I consider myself relatively in shape, but still started off on their lowest level, especially since my flexibility is so bad.  I'm now up to the second step in one of their seven areas in their Foundations series and am on my second step in the Handstand series.  Check out their free-assessment and see where your fitness level is.  I scored between 44% or 50%, since I wasn't sure which box to check on one item.

The initial coarse costs $170 and I spent another $73.50 on some gymnastic rings and straps.  Eventually I'll need other equipment, but the starting price is a good deal since you can do everything at home and don't need a gym membership.  There are also add on segments you can purchase.  I did end up adding on the Stretch Courses, because I'm really stiff.  I might have been able to work something out on my own, but it was just nice having it all put together for me.  The basic foundations course is not something I could have come up with, so that is a definite must buy if your in the market for a exercise routine for us lesser humans.

For the handstand there are a series of progressions you work on before you actually try doing a handstand.  The step I'm on now requires me to just balance on my head and hands.  I did good the first two times so asked my daughter to record me and of course I couldn't do it for the camera.  But here is my attempt at the end of last month.  I'll post my progress every month.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Running in Freezing Weather

Today temperatures at around 1:00 pm was 27ºF, winds at 8 mph, giving us a wind chill of 18ºF, definitely below freezing and it was time for my run.  After some additional thinking I had decided to create a new route that would be more of an out and back run, instead of straight out and then walk back.  This would allow me to get back to my base quicker.  I also planned only to be barefoot for the run.

Since I'm still not ready to expose my barefoot preference to my co-workers, I once again headed away from work before finding a nice, new, black section of asphalt where I could slip off my shoes.  The pavement was surprisingly warm (or maybe not too surprising), but alas, it would be the only nice and warm piece of pavement I would feel on my run. 

As I ran I definitely could tell it was cold, but I didn't feel like I was pushing any boundaries.  A little discomfort and I've read that after 12 minutes or so that would go away.  It is like those times when you think, maybe I should have worn a hat or jacket.  Nothing you can't handle and I would be running for only 1 mile.  Now on the other hand while my feet were doing okay, my lungs had a much harder time adapting to running in the cold (the cold induced asthma was appearing).   I finished the run in the normal amount of time.  I am very happy with the results and doubt I would have run any better with shoes.

I felt like I could have done more, but I was told you need to take it slow and easy to start, so I am heeding that advice.  I had a plan to put my socks and shoes on when the mile run was up and that is what I did.  I'm not only taking it easy to give my feet a chance to adapt, I want to gradually increase my running miles for my legs, using the 10% increase per week rule for runners.  In some ways I'm fortunate I don't have a high running mileage base with the legs itching to go.  Legs and feet are both have equal experience and will adapt together. 

This evening I did go to Wal-Mart but it was too cold for me to be walking barefoot, so I wore my shoes.  While I was in Wal-Mart I just had to touch the floor with my barefoot and it felt as cold if not colder then the pavement outside during my run.  I'm so glad I didn't go barefoot into the store.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Two More Stores

After work I walked a quarter of a mile barefoot to my vehicle.  Without the sun shinning brightly down on the pavement there was no warm spots along the way.  Upon arriving home I realized I needed a receipt book.  As I headed back out the door I hesitated, and then picked up my shoes thinking: people will think it is too cold to be walking barefoot, or what will people think.  Then I changed my mind and said, Yes it may be a bit cool for going barefoot, but I still want to do it and it is therefore my choice and then left without my shoes. I shouldn't live my life by what others will think, even if they are right and I am a bit crazy.  It is a balance between the comfort of barefoot or the discomfort of the cold.  And I just love barefoot walking and can tolerate a bit of cold to do something I enjoy.  Besides I've been out in shorts in weather colder then this and people thought I was a bit crazy, so what is the difference.  Well okay, it isn't too unusual to see people in shorts in the winter, but you don't really see people shoeless walking around, even in the summer.

I was also doing some thinking about my run on Thursday in the cold.  Walking in the cold might be a good way to help condition my feet a little bit more for my runs when it is cold.  I am also thinking I should bring some warmer socks on Thursday so once I'm done my run I can put them on if needed and then walk back to my work with my shoes on.  The brain never stops.  I really want to get a streak going of barefoot runs, but don't want to be foolish either, hard balance when your set and excited about something.

Where were going, oh yes, the stores.  Arriving at the dollar store I looked around briefly and couldn't find what I wanted.  I then asked the checkout clerk and was told they didn't have any so I headed over to a nearby pharmacy.  After looking around and not seeing any I approached a manager that happened to be nearby on the floor working.  He showed me right where the item was and never acknowledged me being barefoot.  I had no problems at either store once again.  I feel like I'm getting bolder with each store I visit.   And knowing I can go into my most often visited stores without an issue feels great.

I'm sure I'll be asked to leave a store someday, but by then it will almost be a relief.  Maybe I should head over to the local Mall, I understand Malls quick to ask barefoot people to leave.  I'm not looking for a confrontation, but I am expecting it to happen, so if I get it done with I might be able to relax a bit more.     I don't know any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fifth Store and a Walk

I had planned to go on my next barefoot run tomorrow when the temperature is predicted to be in the high 40's ºF.  Then I was reminded we have a luncheon that day at work.  I could skip the luncheon, but these are rare occurrences and it might not be wise to do so.  Looking ahead to the temperatures on Thursday, they predict it to be right at freezing.  I'm not sure I should try temperatures that low yet.  But on the other hand the higher temperature for tomorrow comes with wet weather. 

Since today the temperature was  above freezing by just a few degrees, I figured if I can walk barefoot in today, I could probably run barefoot on Thursday.  So at lunch today I took a walk along the basic path I would run.  The sidewalks are concrete for the first part and then switch to pavement.  The asphalt was a lot warmer than the concrete, but was not too bad, so maybe I can do it.  I'll dress warm and bring my shoes in my pack, so they will be available if needed.

Went into my 5th store today, a Rite-Aid drug store.  No one seem to notice, but I am so self-conscious.  I'll be glad when I am less self-aware and can relax more when shopping.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the whole shoeless experience, I'm just being stretched a bit when it comes to being out in public.   Especially since the temperatures are still pretty cool.  It is one thing to be crazy and walk around barefoot in the summer, another thing to be barefoot when the temperatures are just above freezing.